Thank you oo so much.
I hope it hasn't been too much trouble, but I really appreciate the help.


Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

On Mar 29, 2009, at 6:21 AM, Anthony Pace wrote: wwhelp.htm?context=LiveDocs_Parts&file=00001955.html

Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
Here is my other question.
How to identify a pixel in as2.
I haven't google'd it yet so that answer my be already out there, but I thought I'd ask.

Sent from losPhone

On Mar 29, 2009, at 5:48 AM, Anthony Pace <> wrote:

just noticed that wikipedia has some decent info

Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
Yeh I was going to see if I could adopt the theory into as

Sent from losPhone

On Mar 29, 2009, at 2:23 AM, Anthony Pace <> wrote:

I just realized the link I have you with the java doesn't really show you anything other than how to use java's Color.RGBtoHSB function... yikes, I told you I was tired

This might be a little more helpful.

Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
Your not alone burning the late night pixels.

Thanks for your response, this is a good idea.
Then you can get some kind of value that will translate to a function.

very interesting.

Thanks for the links too.

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm

On Mar 29, 2009, at 1:48 AM, Anthony Pace wrote:

Hi Karl,

Kind of tired, so the easiest way I can think of to do this is to evaluate and convert each pixel's RGB values to HSB and then average your found values for all the pixels in the region the loader is to be displayed within.

Hue, Saturation, Brightness..... if the brightness is less than 50% (or 70% to 75% considering how colour value in black levels are shown in most displays) go with the light coloured loader, else go with dark. +Search&meta= (should be easy to convert to as3)

You could also use the inverse colour of a pixel to make it pop.

Anyone else have any bright ideas? Seriously, I am sure somebody knows a better way.

Hoping my 2:41am ramblings help,
Anthony Pace

Karl DeSaulniers wrote:
I was wondering is there a way to recognize the density of pixels in flash AS2 or AS3? The darkness or lightness.

For instance, say I have a loader that is dynamically loaded and normally it would be, say, white. But lets say I want it to have a script that detects the pixel density of the MC behind it so as to let the loader mc know to play on frame 1 or frame 2. Frame 1 having a white loader and frame 2 having a black or grey loader. That way when the loader is dynamically placed over a MC with a picture in it, it will detect if there is a white picture (placing a black loader) or if its a color picture (placing the white loader on top)?

Usage would be for say a photo gallery and while one picture is being displayed, and the user clicks a new photo,
the previous photo does not remove until the new one is loaded.
Thus if I have a white loader and the previous photo was white under the loader, the loader is hard to see and the user sometimes does not know that anything is happening.

I basically think it would just take a script that would map out the x and y of the loader and read the pixel density of the MC directly behind the Loader (reason for the x and y theory) then switch so the user will always see a loader. Either grey or white depending.

Sounds good in my head, may not be too good (or easy) in code though.
Any thoughts would be great,

Karl DeSaulniers
Design Drumm
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