Hi Karl,

your best bet is probably to checkout the imageloader source from martijn de
visser that you are using, and adapt that to be able to get at the values
you want.

Maybe this works:
 target._width = target._width / 3;
 target._height = target._height / 3;
 _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewW = target._width;
 _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewH = target._height;


On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:03 PM, Karl DeSaulniers <k...@designdrumm.com>wrote:

> Hello,
> I was wondering if anyone can point me in the rigth direction.
> I have been trying for days now to figure this out.
> I know there is some little thing I am missing
> and its probably right under my nose so to speak.
> Here is my code:
> //--------------------------------------------------
> // Start Image loader
> //--------------------------------------------------
> import com.martijndevisser.ImageLoader;
> _root.stage_mc.attachMovie("LargePic","LargePic" +
> ID,this.getNextHighestDepth());
> _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].ID = ID;
> _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID]._x = originalX;
> _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID]._y = originalY;
> var mcProgress:Number = 0;
> var checkLoader:Object = new Object();
> checkLoader.onLoadStart = function(target:MovieClip):Void  {
>        trace("Start Width:" + _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewW);
>        trace("Start Height:" + _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewH);
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.spiralLoader._visible = true;
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.spiralLoader.gotoAndPlay(2);
> };
> checkLoader.onLoadComplete = function(target:MovieClip) {
>        target = _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.Image_mc;
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.percentCom.text = "";
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.spiralLoader.stop();
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.spiralLoader.gotoAndStop(1);
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.spiralLoader._visible =
> false;
>        target._width = target._width / 3;
>        target._height = target._height / 3;
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewW = _root.stage_mc["LargePic"
> + ID].newPic._width;
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewH = _root.stage_mc["LargePic"
> + ID].newPic._height;
>        trace("End Width:" + _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewW);
>        trace("End Height:" + _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].previewH);
> };
> checkLoader.onLoadProgress = function(target:MovieClip, bytesLoaded:Number,
> bytesTotal:Number):Void  {
>        mcProgress = Math.ceil((bytesLoaded / bytesTotal) * 100);
>        _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.percentCom.text =
> mcProgress.toString() + "%";
> };
> var loader:ImageLoader = new ImageLoader(_root.stage_mc["LargePic" +
> ID].newPic.Image_mc);
> loader.addListener(checkLoader);
> loader.loadImage(_global.projectPic,_root.stage_mc["LargePic" +
> ID].newPic.Image_mc);
> //--------------------------------------------------
> // End Image Loader
> //--------------------------------------------------
> To explain further, I have a oversized image loading at first which is
> sized down 3 times.
> Once it sizes down, I want previewW and previewH to equal the new width and
> height.
> Everything loads fine, it loads and the progress runs and it resizes fine,
> but when I hit my resize button to make it smaller, the variables previewW
> and previewH
> take on the dimensions of _root.stage_mc["LargePic" + ID].newPic.Image_mc
>  before anything was loaded into it.
> (my resize button works off of the previewW and previewH vairables, this
> info is just FYI)
> var fitSizeW:Number = previewW;
> var fitSizeH:Number = previewH;
> var maxSizeW:Number = (previewW * 3);
> var maxSizeH:Number = (previewW * 3);
> var minSizeW:Number = (previewW / 3);
> var minSizeH:Number = (previewH / 3);
> Note: I have to keep previewW and previewH also because I have a
> mousescroll attached to that variable as well.
> I have a feeling that because the ImageLoader class loads a dummy MC for
> the bitmap
> and then removes it to place the "img" MC for smoothing, my script is not
> getting the final value
> of what is loaded into it and so previewW and previewH do not inherit its
> final values, just its beginning values.
> There is a background bitmap that gets replaced by the loaded image that is
> in the MC when it is placed on stage.
> This is the beginning value.
> This is in AS2 BTW.
> Any help would be GREATLY appreciated at this point.
> Karl DeSaulniers
> Design Drumm
> http://designdrumm.com
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