I have about 200 separate audio files in my flash library (Flash CS3 file
PC) which are all set to "Export in First Frame".

My client has requested that I create an online demo. I therefore believe I
need to remove the checkbox for each of these 200 files for the "Export in
First Frame" setting.

I don't appear to be able to select all the files at once to do this so it
looks like a really daunting task especially as I have 3 other similar games
to do too.

Can anyone confirm if there is a way to change this setting on multiple
library items at once and if so how?

Btw the reason I am taking the setting off, is that I believe to ensure my
preloader works, I need to put all these files inside a movie clip before
any of the content is shown.

Possibly there is an alternative method of achieving the same results
without having to change the export settings for all these files.

Any advice much appreciated.



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