pages.page1.width :)

On Thu, Apr 9, 2009 at 12:35 PM, Dav <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Wondering if anyone can help me with a problem that's left me scratching my
> head!
> Basically I have a main movieclip (group) and then several other movieclips
> inside it (page[1-6]).
> I was thinking I could access them like this group.page1, group.page2 and
> so
> on. However it is not working for me.
> Here is some stripped down sample code, obviously the moviclips have
> content
> rather than just being blank:
> ///////////////////////////////////////////////////
> var group:MovieClip       = new MovieClip();
> addChild(group);
> var pages:Object              = new Object();
> pages["page1"]                = new MovieClip();
> pages["page2"]                = new MovieClip();
> pages["page3"]                = new MovieClip();
> pages["page4"]                = new MovieClip();
> pages["page5"]                = new MovieClip();
> pages["page6"]                = new MovieClip();
> for each (var page:MovieClip in pages)
> {
>                group.addChild(page);
> }
> group.page1.width         = 200;    // [Fault] exception,
> information=TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no
> properties. Fault, initScene() at
> ////////////////////////////////////////////////////
> So I get this error when trying to access the width of page1 inside group:
> [Fault] exception, information=TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined
> and has no properties. Fault, initScene() at
> Any ideas how I can access the page movieclips within the group movieclip?
> Thanks!
> Dav
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