That's a great response, thank you

On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 10:14 PM, Juan Pablo Califano
<> wrote:
> The problem is that, while static initializer blocks look like their
> counterparts in Java, they have a little but important difference. Even
> though you use curly braces, you're not creating a new scope. In AS, scope
> is either class / global or local (to a function or method).
> So, you cannot declare var i:int and access it statically, since by default
> variables and methods are not static. An option is to make i static as you
> did, but it looks ugly, since i is clearly a temporary variable.
> In C# you can declare a static constructor to handle such a situation (I'm
> not 100% sure, but I think you can't use static initializers). This
> constructor is automatically called when the class is loaded, or at least,
> before the first instance is created.
> In Actionscript, you don't have this feature, but you can do something
> similar, except you'd have to call your "static constructor" (or, more
> properly, initializer method) manually.
> You could do something like this:
>    private static var BLACK:TextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', 24,
> 0x000000, true);
>    private static var RED:TextFormat   = new TextFormat('Arial', 24,
> 0xFF0000, true);
>    //  run static initializer method
>    {
>        staticInit();
>    }
>    private static function staticInit():void {
>        BLACK.letterSpacing = -4;
>        RED.letterSpacing = -4;
>        // i is now a local var and will go out of scope when this function
> returns
>        for (var i:int = 0; i < 10; i++)
>            trace(i);
>    }
> In fact, there is a static constructor, but it's created ad hoc by the
> compiler and called automatically by the runtime when the class is
> initialized. If you decompile / disassemble your code, you'll see a method
> called:
> static function YourClassName$cinit()
> This method contains all the inline static initializers. But since it's
> generated by the compiler, you cannot declare it yourself.
> Nevertheless, making your own static initializer method and calling it seems
> a bit cleaner if you need some static initialization logic.
> Cheers
> Juan Pablo Califano
> 2009/4/12 Alexander Farber <>
>> Hello,
>> I have a static initializer in my class and it works ok:
>> private static var BLACK:TextFormat = new TextFormat('Arial', 24,
>> 0x000000, true);
>> private static var RED:TextFormat   = new TextFormat('Arial', 24,
>> 0xFF0000, true);
>> // place "1" closer to "0" in the "10" string
>> {
>>        BLACK.letterSpacing = -4;
>>        RED.letterSpacing = -4;
>> }
>> But when I try to add a for-loop there (I need to
>> add some data to static array I have in the class),
>> then I get errors "Access of undefined property i":
>> {
>>        BLACK.letterSpacing = -4;
>>        RED.letterSpacing = -4;
>>        for (var i:uint = 0; i < 10; i++)
>>                trace(i);
>> }
>> I have to move the variable i outside the initializer:
>> private static var i:uint;
>> {
>>        BLACK.letterSpacing = -4;
>>        RED.letterSpacing = -4;
>>        for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
>>                trace(i);
>> }

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