Hello list,

i was wondering if it is possible to set a conditional statement in the EMBED tag. I would like to set the unicode range based on an id.

Here is the class i have now:

package {
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        public class ArialRoundedBoldFont extends Sprite {
[Embed(source="Arial-Rounded-MT-Bold.ttf", fontFamily="ArialRoundedBold", fontWeight="bold", mimeType="application/x-font-truetype", unicodeRange="U+0020-U+017E,U+20A0-U+20CF")]
                public static var font:Class;

I would like to achive that the var unicodeRange="U+0020-U+017E,U+20A0-U+20CF"

is something like
unicodeRange=((lang==id)? "U+0020-U+017E,U+20A0-U+20CF" :  "U+0020-U+017E")

Is this possible, or do I need to write a pre parser, generating the .as file with the correct unicodeRange for a specific language. Then compile all the .as files for each individual country?

Many thanks,

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