
1) From the docs:

 The audio data is always exposed as 44100 Hz Stereo. The sample type is a
32-bit floating-point value, which can be converted to a Number using
So, each sample is 32 bits, that is 4 bytes. If you read less than four
bytes, you're discarding part of the data; if you read more, you're mixing
samples. This could also happen if your reads are not 4 bytes aligned.

2) Not sure if I misunderstood what you meant, but the number of samples
extracted is calculated here:

var extract:Number = Math.floor ((sound.length/1000)*44100);

And is not a power of 2. It seems like the total samples, rounded down.
(seconds of audio data * samples per second).

3) I'm by no means an audio programming expert, but I think that should be
possible. Don't how performant it would be doing it in AS, in real time,
though. Neither I know algorithms for it, but look up audio frequency
analisys, you might find some pointers. By the way, I don't your imaging is
wrong. Digital audio data is a finite/discrete representation of a sound

Juan Pablo Califano

2009/6/24 ben gomez farrell <b...@yellow5labs.com>

> Hey guys,
> I'm just digging into the Sound.extract feature in FP10.  I've been using
> code found at http://www.bytearray.org/?p=329 to learn from, but have a
> few questions.  I'm able to create a waveform and draw to the stage, but
> want to take it beyond that.
> Basically the code I have is this:
>               var samples:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
>               var extract:Number = Math.floor ((_sound.length/1000)*44100);
>                             _sound.extract(samples, extract);
>                             var step:int = samples.length/4096;
>               do step-- while ( step % 4 );
>               samples.position = 0;
>                             for (var c:int = 0; c < 4096; c++) {
>                   left = samples.readFloat();
>                   right = samples.readFloat();
>                   samples.position = c*step;
>               }
> My questions are:
>   1.  I understand incrementing the byteArray read position by a step
> amount.  What I don't understand is why the step amount needs to be a
> multiple of four?  I get some very wacky results from my readFloat() if I
> don't do this.
>   2.  Anybody know why the number of samples we're taking is a power of
> two?  Is this important, maybe just for graphic performance?
>   3.  Here's the big one - is it possible to isolate amplitude at certain
> frequencies - to get something like you'd get from computeSpectrum?  I guess
> I'm overly confused by the data I'm getting back from the byte array and how
> to dig deep with it.  The way I imagine this byteArray in my head is that
> each position in the byteArray, one by one, would be a composite amplitude
> of all frequencies at a small point in time.  I think I must be imagining
> this data wrong - and you'll probably cringe at my composite amplitude
> remark cause it'll probably make no sense.
> Thanks - and again, I really think I have some huge knowledge gap in how
> sound data is used and read.  Can anyone help?
> ben
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