I've read though the documentation regarding event bubbling several times, but the concept remains blurry. Perhaps this example will help me get my head around it.

I want to display a custom cursor, a version of the Photoshop "flat hand" cursor, whenever the mouse is over a cropped image to indicate that it can be moved around within the frame. So, I have for the sprite of the image, MOUSE_OVER turns on and MOUSE_OUT turns off the custom cursor. The custom cursor object simply hides or displays the Mouse and has a sprite on the top level of the stage with startDrag() and stopDrag().

The problem is that as soon as the custom cursor's sprite becomes visible, it causes a MOUSE_OUT event to get called on the image (because the image is intercepting the mouse-over?) and then the custom cursor gets turned off again. The result is a flashing cursor. Nice effect, but not what I have in mind.

Thanks in advance for any guidance!
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