I went for bulkloader over making my own queued loader - as it has so many tested features. Here is a little code to help get you started ( if you need it )...

Instantiate the loader...

// New Bulk Loader
imgLoader               = new BulkLoader( 'NameOfLoaderInstance');
imgLoader.addEventListener(BulkLoader.COMPLETE, AllItemsLoaded , false , 0 , true );

Load images:

// Clear the loader of any previously loaded images

// Add all the images to the loading queue
for ( var i : int = 0 ; i < _data.length ; i ++ ){
        var record      : Object                = _data.getItemAt( i );
        var item        : LoadingItem   = imgLoader.add( record['uri'] );
item.addEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , completeHandler , false , 0 , true ); item.addEventListener( ProgressEvent.PROGRESS , progressHandler , false , 0 , true );

// start loading - one item at a item - this will load images in the order you added them
imgLoader.start( 1 );


Image Loaded Event Handler:


private function completeHandler( e : Event ) : void {
        // remove event listeners and reference the bitmap
        var item:LoadingItem            = e.target as LoadingItem;
                item.removeEventListener( Event.COMPLETE , completeHandler );
                item.removeEventListener( ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, 
progressHandler );
        var sURL : String                       = item.url.url;
        var record : Object             = getRecordByKey( sURL, 'uri' );
                record.loadid           = sURL;
    view.addImage( imgLoader.getBitmap( record.loadid ) , record );


hope this helps...



On 26 Jul 2009, at 09:58, Cor wrote:

Thank guys!!!

It is an eye opener to see all kinds of different approaches.
I will definitely look at the bulkloader but Muzak's method makes a lot of sence to me in my project for now.


I normally only use the XML class.
I notice you using XMLList.
Could you explain when XML is appropriate and when to use XML.
I read the help, but this does not explain the nitty-gritty.

Thanks again!!


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