You could do worse than take a look at the sources for both MTASC and haXe.

MTASC is a compiler for AS2.

haXe is a compiler for... uh... haXe. But haXe is a very AS3-like
language (it has its roots in AS).

Both are written by Nicolas Cannasse.

Both are written in the functional programming language OCAML and are
lightning fast. A lot of people swear by functional languages for
compiler-writing these days; BNF-style rule-based parsing maps on to
functional languages much more naturally than on to OOP/procedural


On Mon, Aug 3, 2009 at 4:37 PM, Kerry Thompson<> wrote:
> Anthony Pace wrote:
>> Can anyone recommend a good mailing list for compiler design for newbies?
>> I have books on it, and I know the basics of how to perform tokenization
>> and lexical analysis; yet, even with study and practise, I am most
>> likely going to be considering myself a newbie in the compiler design
>> realm for at least a few years.  Keep in mind that my assembly is very
>> rudimentary, and my machine code is even worse
> I did some compiler work for Borland, but that was 15 years ago or more.
> Anybody remember Borland's Fortran compiler? No? I thought not.
> I don't know of compiler mailing lists, but I can tell you that you probably
> don't need assembly or machine code. We did the Fortran compiler in C (not
> C++), with very little inline assembly code. I don't know of anybody who has
> done machine code for 20 years or more. It is truly obsolete unless you're
> writing for some proprietary hardware.
> There is a school of thought that you ought to be able to write a compiler
> in its own language. I.e., if you're writing a C++ compiler, you would write
> it in C++. I don't know if that would apply so well to ActionScript, though,
> because of its speed. I would probably choose a language that compiles to
> machine code, like C++, rather than a tokenized language--you want that
> extra speed boost in your primary tool.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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