i have 2 buttons (prev  and next) that should control the timeline of a
moviclip called "container"

but it just doesn't work. at first it moves to the second frame on this
movieclip then the container shows always the same content ( it has
different content for each frame), the content of the second frame.

though ,  the output panel shows:

prev. cf: 2
next. cf: 1

function btnContainerClick(e:MouseEvent):void
    if (e.target.name == "btn_prev")
        trace ("prev. cf: " + container.currentFrame);
//        container.gotoAndStop(container.currentFrame - 1);
//        container.gotoAndStop(2);

    if (e.target.name == "btn_next")
        trace ("next. cf: " + container.currentFrame);
//        container.gotoAndStop(container.currentFrame + 1);
//        container.gotoAndStop(5);

i get absolutely no clue of what's going on and i'm getting nuts.
i really appreciate any help. thanks a lot.
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