I have a project that I built in AS2/amfphp that I am converting to AS3 and
from what I can tell, in AS3 there is no way to access the results of an
amfphp query as named arrays - is this correct?

In AS2 after a resmoting response I could do this:
getDraw_Result = function (Results:Array) {
    var title = Results.items[0].title;
    var user = Results.items[0].username;

But in AS3, I do this:
function onResult(Results:Array):void {
    var items:Array = Results.serverInfo.initialData;
    var title = items[0][0];
    var user = items[0][1];

but I want to be able to access the arrays via their array name in as3. E.g.
var title = items[0].title;

Anyone know how to achieve this?
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