You could try directly referencing the TTF or OTF file with the
'source' argument instead of using the 'systemFont' argument:



On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Andrew Murphy<> wrote:
> Good morning.  (Well.. it's morning here anyway.)
> I'm having problems with creating a font .swf file, to use for sharing a
> font between some Flash movies.  One of the fonts I want to embed is
> Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk Medium.
> In the font .swf's FLA file I'm trying to embed it like this:
> [Embed(
>  systemFont="Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk",
>  fontName="AkzidenzMedOTF",
>  fontStyle="Medium",
>  mimeType="application/x-font",
>  unicodeRange="U+0021-U+00FF"
> )]
> var akzidenz_otf:Class;
> Font.registerFont(akzidenz_otf);
> And I keep getting the error:  exception during transcoding: Font for alias
> 'AkzidenzOTF' with plain weight and style was not found by family name
> 'Berthold Akzidenz Grotesk'
> I'm working in WindowsXP, Flash CS4 and it's a Type1 font.
> I've tried various settings for the fontWeight and fontStyle and nothing
> seems to affect this error.
> I've also tried not using "systemFont" and instead setting the "source" path
> in the Embed to C:/WINDOWS/Fonts/gfm_____.pfm, which is this font's source
> file on my machine, and it throws the same error.
> Any ideas on what I'm dong wrong and how to fix it.. if it can be fixed?
> Thank you. :)
> --------------------------------
> Andrew Murphy
> Interactive Media Specialist
>  <>
> Delvinia
> 214 King Street West, Suite 214
> Toronto Canada M5H 3S6
> P 416.364.1455 ext. 232  F 416.364.9830  W
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