I'm having some problems with full screen mode. I've got a game which really needs to be played in fullscreen mode. So users have to press a button at the start which sets fullscreen mode. They can close it at any time by pressing a close button
which makes it smaller again but redisplays the original fullscreen button.

So what's happening is this:

1) User presses the fullscreen button - flash goes to fullscreen
2) User plays game, all the active areas work, no problem
3) User clicks the close button - flash stops going fullscreen
4) User presses the fullscreen button - flash goes fullscreen
*** Weird unexpected behaviour here ***
5) User clicks on an active area - flash stops going fullscreen by itself - none of my "close" code is being called
6) User clicks the fullscreen button - flash goes into fullscreen mode
7) User plays game, active areas work normally, flash stays in fullscreen mode

You can try this yourself at:

If anyone has any ideas why flash ends fullscreen mode, I'd be very grateful. As I said, I'm 99% certain that my code isn't explicitly ending the fullscreen mode although there maybe something else I'm doing which causes flash to revert.

Any suggestions welcome



Joe Cutting
Computer exhibits and installations
35 Hospital Fields Road, York, YO10 4DZ
01904 624681
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