Hi All,


Not a question here, but I wanted to share something that was fairly obscure
in the help docs.


If you are using LocalConnection to talk to an as2 swf from an as3 swf you
have to do some things differently than you might expect.


Knowing this can really help in trying to completely unload a loaded as2
swf.  For instance, you could change the test function to help you the
loaded as2 swf unload itself.  If you don't successfully do this, things get
messy quick (memory leak, sound won't stop etc..).


Basic sample code below (hopefully this can help someone in the future).






Sending swf code (AS3)


var AVM_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();


// loader loads AVM1 movie

var loader:Loader = new Loader();

loader.load(new URLRequest("http://www.yourdomain.com/ as2_receiving.swf"));



loader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, testfunction); //just to initiate


function testfunction(event:MouseEvent):void 


    AVM_lc.send("_AVM2toAVM1", "receivingfunction");  //IT IS CRUCIAL to add
the underscore!! (for more info read about superdomains).




function onConnStatus(event:StatusEvent):void


         switch (event.level)


                   case "status":

                    trace("LocalConnection.send() succeeded");


                    case "error":

                    trace("LocalConnection.send() failed", event)









Receiving swf (AS2):


var AVM_lc:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();

AVM_lc.client = this;

AVM_lc.allowDomain = function ( domain )


                trace("allow domain called!!")  //You can specify that only
specific domains are allowed.  In this case I'm allowing ALL domains.

                //Note;  in AS3 code you could just say

                return true;



// stopAnimation event handler

AVM_lc. receivingfunction = function()





AVM_lc.connect("_AVM2toAVM1"); //Again - the underscore is crucial.




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