I noticed a difference in how Flash CS3 and simple HTML page parses
<b> and <i> tags.

For example:
var test2 = "A B C D <B> E F G <I> H I J K </B> L M N O </I> P Q R S T";
txt.htmlText = test2;

Flash produces: A B C D   - regular font
                E F G     - bold
                H I J K   - bold+italic
                L M N O   - bold+italic
                P Q R S T - bold

(it completely ignores the closing </B> tag).

While using the same string, pure HTML produces (as we could expect):
                A B C D   - regular font
                E F G     - bold
                H I J K   - bold+italic
                L M N O   - italic
                P Q R S T - regular font

(clearly considers closing bold </B>).

Conclusion - Flash allows nesting <b><i>...</i></b>, but does not
allow intersecting two style formatting, like <b>...<i>...</b>..</i>
(I'm not sure if "intersection" is an appropriate word in this case).

Am I right here ?


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