I dont know what am I doing wrong here.

I have a library item linked to a class.
The class creates the instance of the symbol.
Then I addChild
The symbol has three keyframes on the timeline (by default stopping at
first frame).
Each frame has different movieclips.
INside these movieclips, there are some more movieclips.

So lets assume this is the structure of my library symbol:

canvas (library item name)
|---- (frame-1) ---- canvasOne (instance name)
|                                            |-------------- mc1 (instance name)
|                                            |-------------- mc2 (instance name)
|                                            |-------------- mc3
(instance name)
|---- (frame-2) ---- canvasTwo (instance name)
|                                            |-------------- mc1 (instance name)
|                                            |-------------- mc2 (instance name)
|---- (frame-3) ---- canvasThree (instance name)
                                             |-------------- mc1 (instance name)
                                             |-------------- mc2 (instance name)
                                             |-------------- mc3 (instance name)

Now, when I call the following from within my class, it works:

/* code */

////but the next line fails /////


Any Idea?

Thanks a lot...
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