Beno wrote:
> First, a bit of a rant.

Actually, Beno does have a somewhat valid gripe. I was the one who offered
to look at the code, and I wasn't able to provide him a solution.

I did look through the code, and ran it in the debugger. I also advised him
to do the same, and explained how to do it. To his credit, he did run it in
the debugger, but wasn't able to find the answer.

I got into crunch mode at work--I'm preparing an advertising campaign for
our Web site, and I've been working 12-hour days, so I hope Beno will excuse
my not having the bandwidth to help him. I did say I would, though, so we
shouldn't be too harsh on him for expressing his disappointment.

Having said that, Beno, your code really is your responsibility. Even when
you gave me a copy, you should continue to try to find the problem yourself.
People will promise to help, but they won't write your code for you.

Programming is all about understanding cause and effect. To be successful
programmers, we all have to be able to create our own logic, and figure out
why it's not working when there's a bug.

Beno has some things going on in his life that he shared with me. I don't
feel comfortable repeating what he said off-line, but his current
circumstances make it especially difficult to program effectively. In light
of that, I'm unwilling to judge him too harshly. 

I just wish I was able to help him more. I have to get back to my campaign
now, though. It's due in 3 hours.


Kerry Thompson

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