Maybe you should be a preacher, rather than a programmer?

The only thing you are doing with the stumbling-blocks, is dropping them on
the very toes of the people that are trying to help you.

You truly lack manners and do not understand proper etiquette/common

Just my 2 cents and observations,

on 12/8/09 3:58 AM, beno - at wrote:

> Twisted mind indeed. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
> If you treat me badly, it will come back to you (karma). Treat others with
> respect. Be nice. As for me, I just keep turning the other cheek. Do to me
> what you will, you cannot disturb my equanimity. I am always your friend, no
> matter what. And I will point out your errors to help you see the
> stumbling-blocks you place in your own path. Only the best of friends would
> do that for people who try to hurt them. You are hurting only yourself
> (yourselves). You have not hurt me. You cannot hurt me. It isn't even
> possible. Peace to you. "My peace I leave with you." Draw your tight circles
> to close me out. I draw my infinitely wide circle to bring you in. Love
> conquers all.
> beno

John R. Sweeney Jr.
Interactive Multimedia Developer

OnDemand Interactive Inc

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