Angela:  That is a great suggestion.

Normally a client will ask for detection, but some will opt to allow the user to choose which version as browsers false report and failing gracefully doesn't always work.

eg. Which version (plain html with javascript employing hacks to make it work with each browser, or fun and flashy)?

So in this case, why not state something similar to what Angela suggested? if they choose flash, give a link to Apples complaint e-mail and government consumer affair websites where users can publicly register complaints.

On 1/29/2010 8:29 AM, Angela Ferraiolo wrote:
We could be more active. Rather than show the blue logo, we could
substitute a message that reads "Steve Jobs won't let you see this.
Please go to the iTunes store and pay him for something to watch."
Right now we are simply wasting our message opportunity.

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 8:14 AM, Christian Pugliese<>  wrote:
Lee Brimelow has a fantastic post about this:

On Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:03, artur<>  wrote:

/i was wondering what the communities thoughts were about this:/*



Many people will bemoan the lack of Flash in the iPad. It wasn't mentioned,
but eagle-eyed viewers would have seen the missing plugin icon on the New
York Times site during yesterday's demo, and given that Apple clearly hates
Flash as both a non-open web "standard" and as a buggy, CPU-hungry piece of
code, it's unlikely it will ever be added, unless Apple decides it wants to
cut the battery life down to two hours.

Who needs Flash, anyway? YouTube and Vimeo have both switched to H.264 for
video streaming (in Chrome and Safari, at least -- Firefox doesn't support
it), and the rest of the world of Flash is painful to use.

In fact, we think the lack of Flash in the iPad will be the thing that
finally kills Flash itself. If the iPad is as popular as the iPhone and iPod
Touch, Flash-capable browsers will eventually be in the minority.


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