Okay teddy bears, I may be doing something really dumb here, but I have checked my code through thoroughly and can't find any stupid mistakes, maybe you can spot the deliberate one??

I have a button with a background and a text field.
The button is resized dynamically according to the length of time it represents and the "resolution".
The size is applied to both the background and the text field.
For some reason, my text field width always ends up 1.5 x the width of the background ????

Here is some code below - as you can see the _renderWidth is calculated and applied to both _text and _bg - the trace always shows the text is 1.5 x the _renderWidth - any ideas???

protected function _styleButton(xmlConf:XML):void {
           switch(_btnType) {
               case TIMELINE_TYPE:
//Button maybe sized according to length and has icon or text label.
                   this._bg.height = TIMELINE_BTN_HEIGHT;
                   this._numText.visible = false;
                   _attachIcon(xmlConf, TIMELINE_BTN_HEIGHT);
                   //resize button!
                   var dur:int = duration;
                   if (_minDuration > duration) {
                       dur = _minDuration;
_renderWidth = int(PIX_PER_SEC * int(Math.max((dur / _minDuration), 1)));
                   this._bg.width = _renderWidth;
                   this._text.width = _renderWidth;
this._text.x = Math.floor((this._bg.width - this._text.width) / 2); break;
           _initialised = true;
trace("ComposeButton::_styleButton " + this.name + " type " + _btnType + " width " + this.width + " _numText width " + this._numText.width + " _text width " + this._text.width + " _renderWidth " + _renderWidth);
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