On Wed, Mar 10, 2010 at 7:07 PM, Kenneth Kawamoto <kennethkawam...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> If I understand you correctly you want to trace "index.html"?
> One funky way is...
> trace(new XML("<a href='index.html'>Home</a>")....@href);
> // traces "index.html"
> ...therefore if your e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).htmlText is giving you
> "<a href='index.html'>Home</a>" you can do:
> trace(new XML(e.currentTarget.getChildAt(0).htmlText)....@href);

I don't know where the heck that took me, something about "go to this
address here" or some such in the address bar of the browser lol. Yeah,
pretty out there and crazy. Definitely not elegant, but you knew that, too.

Karl DeSaulniers asks if I can give the Sprite/MC a name and call that. I've
tried that and I don't get the results I want; namely, an URL.

Paul Andrews asks me to state more clearly that for which I am looking.
Probably a good idea to re-clarify things.
1) I have a TextField (TF) to which I assign attributes.
2) TF is the child of an MC
3) The MC has listeners which call functions
4) One of the functions (onClick) requires that a new Web page be opened;
therefore, either:
     a) I attach and call the URL to/from the TF, or;
     b) I do so from the MC.
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