It should always work.  Perhaps the url of the xml has a ? already in it?

public function nocache(url:String):String
        var d:Date = new Date();
        var nc:String = "nocache=" + d.getTime();
        if (url.indexOf("?") > -1) return url + "&" + nc;
        return url + "?" + nc;

On 3/26/2010 2:27 PM, Nathan Mynarcik wrote:
Hey everyone,

I am loading in an external xml doc via

loadXML("url of xml");

To prevent browsers from caching the xml, I add at the end of the url string a 
Date object like:

loadXML("url of xml"+"?nocache="+new Date().getTime());

This sometimes works and other times doesn't. The xml is the backbone to the 
colors used in the UI of my site which goes black when the load doesn't work 

I have tried to add an IOERROREvent function to catch the error and then supply 
the url to the load function without the Date object appended.

Is there any checks or different directions I can take to prevent visitors from 
sometimes having to refresh until the xml gets loaded correctly?
Nathan Mynarcik
Interactive Web Developer
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