Hi list,
On a custom  IDE button component (AS3 CS4) I have a number of keyframes for
up/over/down etc. Each of these keyframes has a textfield and an icon
(labelText and iconContainer). Mouse event listeners control the movement
between the keyframes.
 iconContainer has linkage to a class that loads internal or external assets
into a target mc inside it.  
Everything works fine, except that if I change the movieclip properties such
as position or tint of the iconContainer on the various keyframes, after
publishing I can't see the changes. By contrast, similar changes are visible
on the labelText and other movieclips placed on the button's stage.  I tried
this with normal keyframe on the icon's layer and the new CS4 motion tween,
with the same results.  All the loaded assets are children of iconContainer,
they don't replace it.  Of course, I could make all the changes with code.
But I'm trying to make it flexible enough to work either way. Any ideas?
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