This is getting weirder by the moment...

It's not even a question of regaining focus anymore, but why is it losing it
in the first place?

When first going to the page, the rollovers work fine with no need to
Then if you click somewhere on the page (or even a different window) without
scrolling, it's still ok. 
But after scrolling the page (scrollbar or scroll wheel), the rollovers stop
responding until you click somewhere in the movie. 
More than that, in Safari (Windows) I can't even click anywhere anymore -
it becomes completely unresponsive.

HOWEVER - I found plenty of examples of flash movies embedded in html that
didn't do it, including some of my own.
I'm using SwfObject2 to embed the flash (in a CMS Made Simple Framework).
Could that have anything to do with it? 

The generated object looks like this:

<object style="visibility: visible;" data="uploads/theme/menu.swf"
name="menu" id="flash-menu" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="900"
align="left" height="35"><param value="true" name="play"><param value="true"
name="loop"><param value="false" name="menu"><param value="high"
name="quality"><param value="showall" name="scale"><param value="t"
name="salign"><param value="transparent" name="wmode"><param value="#FFFFFF"
name="bgcolor"><param value="false" name="devicefont"><param value="true"
name="seamlesstabbing"><param value="false" name="swliveconnect"><param
value="false" name="allowfullscreen"><param value="sameDomain"
name="allowscriptaccess"><param value="all" name="allownetworking"></object>
<script type="text/javascript">


PS: The links problem is solved. Using an attribute instead of an element in
the XML to store the url did it. 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:flashcoders-
>] On Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
> Sent: 29 May 2010 7:06
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Regain stage focus
> Karina Steffens wrote:
> > You mean rains, right? :P
> Darn! My e-mail program drops keystrokes. Don't know why--I'm using
> the GMail Web interface. I just type too fast.
> > So, there's no way to regain (or at least to rain...) focus without
> clicking
> > at all? Not even by using a mouseover event or a timer inside flash?
> No, not as far as I know. You can set the focus on an input field, of
> course, but that won't take effect until the user gives your .swf
> focus. You understand the security issues, so I won't belabor them.
> I've run into the same problem. I'm writing a math game where the
> user's response time is important. If they have to click on the
> browser window before typing the answer, that skews the results. We
> got around it by having the user log in, so the browser window should
> have focus when the problem is presented. If the user switches to
> another program--say, during the intoduction--we have no way of
> getting focus back until the user clicks on the browser. I'm working
> with a couple of the best in the business--Mark Jonkman and Raman
> Pfaf--and they both tell me the same.
> > And more rain on my parade: After uploading the flash movie to the
> server,
> > some of the links in the dropdown menu have stopped working -
> clicking on
> > the doesn't do anything, while others seem to be ok. And it's
> arbitrary per
> > click... And this appears to be cross browser, while locally it's
> fine. Any
> > ideas what I should be looking for here?
> Not much. I assume you've checked the usual culprits--the URL is
> formed correctly, your .swf isn't busy in a loop, no security issues
> involved, etc. I'd use the debug Flash player and FlashDevelop to
> trace out what happens when the button is clicked.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
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