Interesting. Does it only work with timeliner flash? Or can it handle
something entirely code-built?


On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 1:54 PM, Joe Minkiewicz <> wrote:
> This has begun making the rounds recently but I didn't see it posted here
> yet:
> Check out the demos, it's pretty crazy what they are able to accomplish. I
> tried implementing it this morning with some swfs at the place I'm
> contracting at but they haven't worked. I do a lot of prototypes of possible
> new software that are mainly just glorified slideshows. Some of them play
> through even though I have stop points and some only load the first frame
> but don't play. I can't wait until the official release so I can play around
> some more. Even if it can't handle 100% of what Flash Player can do, for
> what I'm doing here it would be great to have the option to play them on an
> iPad for presentation purposes.
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