On 24/08/2010 15:36, Todd Dominey wrote:
Right, not looking for the Flash Player plugin version a user has installed, 
but rather which runtime the SWF was published to (9 or 10).

The root of my dilemma is that Flash's behavior when applying an alpha tween to 
a Sprite containing a text field using system typefaces isn't consistent when 
publishing to FP9 and FP10. When FP9 is the runtime, the text fields aren't 
tweened as part of the parent. When FP10 is the runtime, they are.

Note that this is independent of the Flash Player plugin a user has installed. 
If you compile the SWF with FP9 as the runtime and load it in FP10 in the 
browser, the text fields aren't tweened. Compile to FP10 and load in FP10, they 

So...I'm trying to find something that an AS3 SWF could "look for" to know 
whether FP10 was selected as its runtime when published. If I knew that, I could code 
around it to control how that tween behavior is handled.

You could look into "conditional compilation" which is available in CS4+ I think:

http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=flash+ide+conditional+compiling&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=67d5d5d61e9a0270 <http://www.google.co.uk/#hl=en&q=flash+ide+conditional+compiling&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=&fp=67d5d5d61e9a0270>

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