Jason Merrill wrote:

> What's funny is how you're marketing this product off of mTropolis, an 
> EXTREMELY obscure, EXTREMELY long dead software product which disappeared 
> from the market over 10 years ago, and hardly anyone even purchased and used.

When I was working for Disney in the mid-90s, we evaluated mTropolis.
It looked cool, but I had seen so many multimedia authoring systems
come and go (remember IconAuthor? iTribe?) I recommended against using
it until it had established a track record. I recommended a pretty
cool product instead--Director.

AFAIK, Disney never used mTropolis. They did use Director quite a bit,
though--at least up until 2005 or so.

Agreed--it's spam. This is a Flash/Flex list. Steve, please find
someplace else to peddle your wares. The response you've gotten so far
is mild compared to the flamethrowers we have stashed for just such an


Kerry Thompson
Flashcoders mailing list

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