
This code Is not exact it is to show what is happening.


myLoader :Loader = new Loader();


myLoader.load(new URLRequest(filename)); // loads a imagefile


then in a function


var mc1:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();




At this point I figure I have two movieclips with the same image in them.

                mc1.width = 100;

                mc1.height = 100;

                mc2.width = 200;

                mc2.width =200;

                mc1.x = 0;

                mc1.y = 0;

                mc2.x = 150;

                mc2.y = 0;





                at this point I should see two versions of the image side by
side on the screen one bigger than the other. However what is a happening is
that only the second on appears as the first looks like it somehow becomes
the second one.  If I only 

addChild(mc1) then it appears at 0,0 at the size 100,100;

if I only 

addChild(mc2) then it appears at 150,0 at the size of 200,200

but if add them both then only the second one appears. 


what is going on here???

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