On Fri, Apr 29, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Micky Hulse <mickyhulse.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2. Any tips on how to trump the code from IDSWFFile.as?

I think I found a solution.

When generating an "output profile" or "swft" file from Indesign,
there are these options (selected by default):

Include Buttons
Include Hyperlinks
Include Page Transitions
Include Interactive Page Curl

We turned all those options off and re-generated a new profile/swft
and then generated a new SWF.

This fixed the click problem I was having.

I am still kinda wondering if there is a way to avoid this type of
thing when loading external SWFs into a parent class that needs
"clicks"... Does that make sense? Is there a good way to trump child
swf's click listeners from a parent swf?

Anyway, things are fixed for now. Sorry to bug ya'll.

Thanks! Have a great day all.

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