
Think it's a bug in Flashplayer which is not in a later version -


On 27/05/2011 12:09, Glen Pike wrote:

I have run into a problem that seems pretty bizarre, but may be a silly error on my part.

I have a function to encode strings in Flash to hex values, but it needs to deal with various languages and special characters, so needs to handle Unicode strings.

I had a function - it works fine in Windows and used to work on the target platform - running standalone debug player on Gentoo Linux

All of a sudden - the encoding has stopped working and is creating garbage so is not working any more.

We have changed the hardware and probably the kernel version lately, so this is the only thing that I think which could effect it, but I maybe wrong.

I have an old function / workaround which I can use, but if someone could explain wtf is going on I would be greatful. Code is posted below for your amusement.


/*Example output (there is a newline \n between "Simon" and "speech" - note the disparity between the ByteArray version and the test / older function.

UniStr2UTF8Hex 4/4 read, hex is b4 9a 7e b5  from str voice=Simon
speech=My name is Robo Thespian.
UniStr2UTF8Hex Test str 76 6f 69 63 65 3d 53 69 6d 6f 6e 0a 73 70 65 65 63 68 3d 4d 79 20 6e 61 6d 65 20 69 73 20 52 6f 62 6f 20 54 68 65 73 70 6 9 61 6e 2e
public function UniStr2UTF8Hex(str:String):String {
        var hex:String = "";
        var i:int = 0;

        var bytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
        bytes.writeMultiByte(str, "utf-8");
        bytes.position = 0;
        var byte:String;
        try {
            while (i < bytes.length) {
                byte = Number(bytes.readUnsignedByte()).toString(16);
                if (1 == byte.length) {
                    byte = "0" + byte;
                hex += byte + " ";
        } catch (e:EOFError) {
debug("UniStr2UTF8Hex", "finished at " + i + " len " + bytes.length, Dbg.DEBUG_MAX);
debug("UniStr2UTF8Hex", i + "/" + bytes.length +" read, hex is " + hex + " from str " + str, Dbg.DEBUG_HIGH);

        return hex.split(" ").join("");

In contrast, this function works fine:

public function UniStr2UTF8Hex(str:String):String {
    var test:String = "";
        for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
            var ucs:int = str.charCodeAt(i);
            var ch:String;
            if (128 > ucs) {
                ch = ucs.toString(16);
                if (1 == ch.length) {
                    ch = "0" + ch;
                test += ch + " ";
            } else if (128 <= ucs && 2047 >= ucs) {
                ch = Number(192 + (ucs / 64)).toString(16);
                if (1 == ch.length) {
                    ch = "0" + ch;
                test += ch + " ";
                ch = Number(128 + (ucs % 64)).toString(16);
                if (1 == ch.length) {
                    ch = "0" + ch;
                test += ch + " ";

        debug("UniStr2UTF8Hex", "Test str " + test, Dbg.DEBUG_HIGH);
        return test.split(" ").join("");

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