I have a class "menu" that calls another class "submenu" to instantiate a 
submenu of items when a menu item is rolled over. This process loops for as 
many sublevels exist. The problem comes when I want to destroy them. For 
example, if someone is at the first item of the second level and out pops the 
third level, then the user rolls out of the second level back to the first. In 
this case, the third level should be destroyed. The problem is that I have no 
way to communicate to my infinitely looping class that we've regressed a level. 
The same problem occurs when the user is at the second level on the first item 
and scrolls to the second. At the first item, a third level of items will pop 
out (assuming such exist) but they won't be destroyed when the user scrolls to 
the second item of the second level because I have no way to communicate with 
my infinitely looping script what transpired. I need a way to add these levels 
as children of a class that somehow
 gets called every time the infinitely looping class gets called yet doesn't 
"start from a fresh slate" each time so that I can keep track of all the levels 
and their associated children being added to the stage. I hope that was clear 
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