That's what I mean by I think of Flash as Directory/Shockwave. It's not dead, it's just not the job engine it was for a while. It's a much harder sell - but it's still possible, and still has its niches.

I still think Adobe could do some things to make it easier, even if they don't actively promote and as vigorously develop Flash. They could send a big signal that Flash is still alive, if they just mention is more, or rebrand AIR as Flash Apps (cause no one know what the heck AIR is - in fact, many still operate under the "Flash is banned from the app store" narrative that Adobe never quite countered). That'd go a long way to providing the necessary confidence that they are indeed maintaining it and standing behind at least what's already there, and that they aren't going to just pull the plug, which is the sense I think they've sent out into the market. It's truly next to impossible to sell AIR apps right now.

I've moved on anyway, and I suspect a lot of developers have done the same. I love Flash, and I think it's great tech. Adobe not so much.

Kevin N.

On 5/8/13 1:39 PM, Micky Hulse wrote:
On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 10:31 AM, John R. Sweeney Jr.
<> wrote:
And Director 12 came out a little while ago and compiles out to iPad. :)
Wha??? That blows my mind. I thought Director was dead. Shows what I know! :D

So, is it any good these days? Director was a fun animation tool back
when I used it.
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