Webkit is dragging its feet, is exactly why Google pulled away from Webkit and 
has gone over to their render engine Blink. Apple is not interested in pushing 
HTML5 acceptance in webkit, just like they didn't want Flash around either. 
They want you buying apps through the App/iTunes store and paying them for 
their use. If you can play and use great apps on the web for free (with HTML5 
OR Flash), they don't make their 30%. 

They better wake up fast.

John R. Sweeney Jr.
Senior Interactive Multimedia Developer
OnDemand Interactive Inc
Hoffman Estates, IL 60169    

On May 20, 2013, at 5:40 AM, Peter Ginneberge wrote:

> If you have full control over the things you're creating, you're good to go, 
> just be careful when relying on things you have no control over.
> Moving forward, we'll see more and more HTML 5 content out there. AIR 
> (webkit) needs to catch up, fast.. like.. yesterday.
> regards
> Peter

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