Felix Singer <felixsin...@posteo.net> writes:

> Hi Greg,
> thanks for reaching out :)
> On Thu, 2022-02-03 at 08:11 -0500, Greg Troxel wrote:
>> However, if I were, then I would reject anything that requires a
>> Google account (or even worse, a facebook account), and also reject
>> anything that requires installing proprietary software.
> A Google account for Google Meet is not needed. It depends on the room
> settings. So I'm wondering, do you reject Google services in general or
> just if an account is needed?  

That's a bit complicated.   I find needing accounts (at ad companies) to
be the biggest issue, and then there are lesser issues:

  Being asked to agree to terms and privacy policy (of google, rather
  than a separate service with a simple/reasonable policy that only
  covers that service): I find this objectionable too, and I suspect it
  would dissuade me from participating about 90% of the time, limiting
  to the things I really strongly want to participate in.  If it's just
  click and join and no text that tries to claim there is any consent,
  and the conference itself has a clear privacy policy that prohibits
  google from retaining the audio and video, it's not so bad.  But I
  don't think people should be asked to grant an advertising company any
  permission to use or store their image/audio.

  I don't think Free Software projects should use proprietary tools, if
  it's possible/reasonable to avoid them.  I realize with
  videoconferencing that's difficult these days, and it's necessary to
  make project progress.

(I also realize I'm an outlier; I originally commented privately and was
asked to re-comment onlist.)

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