On 12.08.22 14:04, Sam Kuper wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 04, 2022 at 10:26:25PM +0000, Felix Singer wrote:
>> However, I have an idea for a solution. I took a look at the Redmine
>> database and I played around with the Google login method. My tests
>> showed that it creates a normal user account, as it is done with the
>> registration, just with the little difference that no password is set
>> disabling the login over password. These accounts also have an user
>> name and an email address. As soon as I set a password, I was able to
>> login using the user name.
>> So, my idea is that we just go with these changes and affected users
>> use the functionality to reset their password, which means they will
>> have a "normal" user account then. In preparation to that version
>> update, we should disable these login methods so that no new users will
>> make use of them.
>> Other ideas? What's your opinion?

Felix, I guess you know my opinion already: Whoever maintains the
service should decide. If there's already a password database,
responsibilities (e.g. to inform everybody in case of a breach)
won't change. So it sounds like making password-based logins the
only option would reduce chore on your end. And nobody objected,
so please go ahead :)

> I'm a bit unclear what you are proposing.
> I'm also unclear whether, under your proposal, users without Google
> accounts would be able to register or log in to the Redmine instance.
> Please can you clarify?

Currently one can login either with OpenID, a Google account or with a
password that is stored on our Redmine host. With the intended changes,
everybody will have to use a password.

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