
While refactoring flashrom.c to move towards a reentrant flashrom a
pragmatic choice of utilising NULLity to represent the default state of a
struct at instiation was used in the following and related commits -

It was brought to my attention that this is perhaps considered a more
substantive change to the general practice within flashrom and so I just
wanted to give a brief prelude to the rationale and if anyone has any
reason why they don't like it.

Basically using NULL as the default state rather than an invalid state
allows for memory address by value to be in a boolean state of either
'defined to be default' or 'defined to be custom' - over that of a tristate
of 'defiled to be default explicitly', 'defined to be custom' or NULL which
must be manually validated as 'invalid'. This is quite pragmatic as we can
rid ourselves of explicit nullarity checks at runtime and instead have
always defined reasonable defaults at compile-time thus making functions
domains more well defined at compile-time. It is also pragmatic and
arguably more modern from the stand-point of requiring less code to
effectively obtain a valid value from the instantiated type not unlike
Rust's Default trait or Ada's ability to have default values in a Record
and so on.

While not particularly novel I did want to follow up on the request to
highlight it here.

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