# 25th January 2023, 21:00 - 22:00 UTC+0

Attendees: Thomas, Stefan, Prakhar, Nico, Edward, Anastasia

## Decision summary

* Flashrom is not applying as a mentorship organisation for gsoc 2023
(no capacity to do all admin work, tight timelines). Independent
contributors (outside of scope of gsoc) are always welcome as usual!
* Several improvements for README file on the way (TODO aklm)
* We will be implementing the versioning for meson (Thomas)
* We grow MAINTAINERS file and then add people from there into
“flashrom reviewers” group (add those who agree, ask before adding)
* Flashrom-stable will have a menu item on the left-side menu on the
wiki, and a section on the bottom menu on the wiki home page

## Agenda

* [aklm] Looks like we are not doing gsoc in 2023 :(
    * A lot of things to do: project ideas list, mentors, easy starter
projects, review development guidelines. Aklm has less capacity than
last year, and no one available to help.
    * Timeline has shifted for earlier,
and now the window for organisations to apply is from January 23 -
18:00 UTC until February 7 - 18:00 UTC.
    * If we do this year, two things to do ~now are: [project
list and mentors. Can we do it now? NO.
    * Instead of gsoc 2023 , we will do the following:
        * Complete last year project, and merge (Aarya)
        * Continue One build system work, make it actually one
        * Second iteration of erase/write optimisations, we can
combine the best of two worlds: take the best of two algorithms from
upstream, and chromium tree and have one algo which performs great in
both trees
* [aklm] Updating README file, technically can be done any time, when
do we want to do this, and who is interested to brainstorm new README
    * Packaging section needs an overhaul, currently only make is
supported. So the packaging can only be done with make. When packaging
is done with meson, version info is missing.
    * Add one sentence into Packaging, info from previous point (TODO aklm)
    * Re-order sections: Build instructions, Installations, Packaging,
Contact (TODO aklm)
    * Fix `http` -> `https` in README, all the links (TODO aklm)
    * Rename with `.md` suffix? Reformat with markdown (TODO aklm)
* Thomas: Versioning: we need to introduce versioning file - as meson
disk tree image does not contain the `.git` directory and so cannot
easily harvest the version information. Therefore we need to generate
a header with the current version to be included in the build.
(out of date, now using a ‘VERSION’ file)
    * When doing a release, create a commit into the version file to
increase version number. And then put a git tag linked to this commit.
    * When versioning is solved, we will have a larger upgrade to README file.
* Thomas: for scripts we need to move to python, we get python
environment with meson. Easier for different environments.
* [aklm] Gerrit groups “flashrom reviewers” and “flashrom developers”.
    * Flashrom reviewers is the gerrit group which can approve patches
(+2) but cannot submit. At the moment there is none, only very large
coreboot group. Not all people who work on coreboot work on flashrom.
    * aklm : lets build MAINTAINERS file and then add those people
into “flashrom reviewers” group. Reason: people agreed to do code
reviews for a specific area of flashrom, and they have knowledge of
that area. They need to be able to say “yes I approve this patch”.
    * Thomas: we could have someone who is not in MAINTAINERS file,
but we may want to add them to flashrom reviewers group.
    * Aklm: there are no technical restrictions on that, but we need
to publish clear criteria on when a person who is not in MAINTAINERS
file can be in reviewers group.
    * Lets think of criteria and return back to this question.
* [icon] could/should flashrom & flashrom-stable share resources like
the webpage / wiki?
    * We can add a menu item on the left-side menu, and/or a section
in the bottom menu on the home page. Lets see how it goes, if there
will be any issues we will discuss, but maybe it will just work. Nico
will add pages.

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