# 17th August 2023, 6.00-7.00am UTC+0

Attendees: Joursoir, Stefan, Anastasia

## Decision summary

* logo files will be copied from flashrom-media to flashrom repo (into
doc/ to display on website)
* enable Gerrit feature to not submit with unresolved comments

## Agenda

* [aklm] is it okay to copy the logo from one repo to another and add
it to new website? Any licensing considerations?
    * copy the whole logo directory from media repository to docs
    * include svg in color on the page
    * licence is CC BY-ND 4.0
so all good
* What is the normal release process? what do we do for v1.4?
    * when all that is needed for rc1 is ready, put the tag v1.4_rc1 on master
    * then freeze the master for new features for 1 month, announce on
mailing list
    * code reviews can continue, just not merging
    * do the testing
    * fix bugs if discovered, put v1.4_rc2, .... rcN
    * at the end of 1 month (hopefully bugs are fixed), put v1.4 on
master, and then branch v1.4
    * and then unfreeze, and merge everything that was waiting
* [aklm] we need more people to subscribe to flashchips.c. I did
already. We have contributors adding chips, and marking chips as
tested, and they may not know whom to add as reviewer.
    * like this
* let's add gerrit feature "do not submit with unresolved comments".
it makes life easier for people who submit patches.
    * yes, lets add this feature
    * Joursoir: get a warning (do NOT restrict) if 24 hours have not
passed. Is it possible?

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