Using Flent 1.9.9-git-2a08dd9:

I have been looking hard at Flent results for Dave's tests for coffee shops 
[(my latest script.)]( 
I have a few fussy observations about the Flent output for the tests:

* I like how the rrul and rrul_be tests summarize average and sum as the last 
items in their section. My eye is drawn to the discontinuity in the labels and 
sees the sum (after all is - that's the only number people care about :-) at 
the bottom. In the tcp_nup and tcp_ndown tests, it occurs to me to place the 
average & sum at the bottom of those lists as well. 

* I believe (but am guessing) that the rrul and rrul_be "TCP totals" row is the 
sum of the TCP download sum and the TCP upload sum. It occurs to me that 
statistic could be placed at the very bottom of the report instead of being "in 
the middle".

* It would be helpful not to add a closing "." after the filename in the "Data 
file written to..." line. That makes it easier to select the file name for 
pasting into `flent --gui ...` command. Mistakenly copying the "." doesn't seem 
to hurt, but I perseverate about having that "." in the file name.

As always, Flent is a great system for collecting and displaying reproducible 
data. Thanks.

bash-3.2$ sh
Testing from Richs-MBP-10337.lan to
Measuring baseline latency to : xmt/rcv/%loss = 5/5/0%, min/avg/max = 14.6/15.9/16.7

Started Flent 1.9.9-git-2a08dd9 using Python 3.7.3.
Starting tcp_ndown test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
Data file written to 

Summary of tcp_ndown test run from 2019-09-15 10:55:32.373197
  Title: 'Richs-MBP-10337.lan'

                                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP                 :       103.47       102.00 ms              350
 Ping (ms) ICMP (extra) :        27.10        26.25 ms              350
 TCP download avg               :         1.48          N/A Mbits/s         353
 TCP download sum               :         5.93          N/A Mbits/s         353
 TCP download::1                :         1.56         1.51 Mbits/s         353
 TCP download::2                :         1.53         1.49 Mbits/s         353
 TCP download::3                :         1.42         1.42 Mbits/s         353
 TCP download::4                :         1.42         1.42 Mbits/s         353
Started Flent 1.9.9-git-2a08dd9 using Python 3.7.3.
Starting tcp_nup test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
Data file written to 

Summary of tcp_nup test run from 2019-09-15 10:56:48.202997
  Title: 'Richs-MBP-10337.lan'

                                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP                 :       103.12       101.00 ms              350
 Ping (ms) ICMP (extra) :        25.44        23.60 ms              350
 TCP upload avg                 :         0.13          N/A Mbits/s         354
 TCP upload sum                 :         0.52          N/A Mbits/s         354
 TCP upload::1                  :         0.14         0.16 Mbits/s         354
 TCP upload::2                  :         0.14         0.16 Mbits/s         354
 TCP upload::3                  :         0.14         0.15 Mbits/s         354
 TCP upload::4                  :         0.10         0.10 Mbits/s         354
Started Flent 1.9.9-git-2a08dd9 using Python 3.7.3.
Starting rrul test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
Data file written to 

Summary of rrul test run from 2019-09-15 10:58:04.053659
  Title: 'Richs-MBP-10337.lan'

                                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP                 :       106.25       105.00 ms              350
 Ping (ms) ICMP (extra) :        31.23        30.55 ms              350
 Ping (ms) UDP BE               :         9.43       106.38 ms              352
 Ping (ms) UDP BK               :         9.40       106.72 ms              352
 Ping (ms) UDP EF               :         9.38       106.44 ms              352
 Ping (ms) avg                  :         9.40          N/A ms              352
 TCP download BE                :         1.52         1.55 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download BK                :         1.52         1.52 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download CS5               :         1.51         1.50 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download EF                :         1.47         1.53 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download avg               :         1.50          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP download sum               :         6.02          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP totals                     :         6.45          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BE                  :         0.10         0.10 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BK                  :         0.11         0.11 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload CS5                 :         0.11         0.10 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload EF                  :         0.11         0.11 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload avg                 :         0.11          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload sum                 :         0.43          N/A Mbits/s         352
Started Flent 1.9.9-git-2a08dd9 using Python 3.7.3.
Starting rrul_be test. Expected run time: 70 seconds.
Data file written to 

Summary of rrul_be test run from 2019-09-15 10:59:24.850091
  Title: 'Richs-MBP-10337.lan'

                                           avg       median          # data pts
 Ping (ms) ICMP                 :       106.67       106.00 ms              350
 Ping (ms) ICMP (extra) :        30.96        30.30 ms              350
 Ping (ms) UDP BE1              :         9.47       106.33 ms              352
 Ping (ms) UDP BE2              :         9.40       107.30 ms              352
 Ping (ms) UDP BE3              :         9.26       104.88 ms              352
 Ping (ms) avg                  :         9.38          N/A ms              352
 TCP download BE                :         1.38         1.39 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download BE2               :         1.61         1.67 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download BE3               :         1.55         1.61 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download BE4               :         1.50         1.56 Mbits/s         352
 TCP download avg               :         1.51          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP download sum               :         6.04          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP totals                     :         6.48          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BE                  :         0.11         0.11 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BE2                 :         0.11         0.11 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BE3                 :         0.11         0.11 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload BE4                 :         0.11         0.10 Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload avg                 :         0.11          N/A Mbits/s         352
 TCP upload sum                 :         0.44          N/A Mbits/s         352

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