lealog <notificati...@github.com> writes:

> The goal is to evaluate and compare different Routers and QOS policies.
> Any plans to have Flent supporting this type of use cases? Also, could
> be interesting to have Flent managing different hosts and orchestrate
> them using a common GUI or CLI.

Well, it would require an underlying test tool that could produce this
sort of traffic. I wouldn't be opposed to adding support for such a tool
if it materialised, but I am not aware of any either.

> Unfortunately, I'm not a developer and I'm not able to provide code
> for some of these features.

Some orchestration is possible already by a combination of tests with
multiple remote endpoints, and remote test runners. It requires a bit of
fiddling with the CLI and/or batch files to set up, but it's doable.
Extending support for running tests through the GUI would be neat, but
unless someone dedicates resources to this I don't think it's likely to
happen anytime soon, unfortunately...

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