I have the below code which works very well for me for minimizing and
maximizing of the panels. There is one small problem I have which I
cannot figure out.

When I replace the tag Application by Panel at the top and bottom, the
code does not work correctly. I want to use this as a component to be
called in other places. Any help can be useful.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
width="100%" height="100%">
import mx.core.UIComponent;
import mx.managers.SystemManager;
import mx.controls.Alert;
import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
import mx.managers.PopUpManager;
import mx.containers.TitleWindow;
import mx.core.IFlexDisplayObject;
import mx.containers.Panel;

// Button constants
private static const _RESTORE_LABEL_:String = "Min";
private static const _MAXIMIZE_LABEL_:String = "Max";

private var currWidth:int; // Stores the current width of the panel to
be resized
private var currHeight:int; // Stores the current height of the panel
to be resized
private var currTop:int; // Stores the current y coordinate of the
panel to be resized
private var currLeft:int; // Stores the current x coordinate of the
panel to be resized
private var isMaximized:Boolean = false; // Stores the current state
of the panel as a boolean
private var currIndex:int; // Stores the current index of the panel to
be maximized

* This function orchestrates what method
* is called on the button click event depending on
* its label value.
private function maxRestore(thePanel:Panel, minRestorBtn:Button):void
if(minRestorBtn.label == _RESTORE_LABEL_)
restore(thePanel, minRestorBtn);
else if(minRestorBtn.label == _MAXIMIZE_LABEL_)
maximize(thePanel, minRestorBtn);

* This method maximizes the specified panel to occupy the
* whole displayed screen area. This method can be tuned to
* occupy the area of its parent component rather than the parent
* application.
private function maximize(thePanel:Panel, minRestorBtn:Button):void
// Save previous position info
currWidth = thePanel.width;
currHeight = thePanel.height;
currTop = thePanel.y;
currLeft = thePanel.x;
currIndex = thePanel.parentApplication.getChildIndex(thePanel) ;

// Set the maximized flag to true
isMaximized = true;

// Set current info
thePanel.height = this.height;
thePanel.x = 0;
thePanel.y = 0;

var parentApp:UIComponent = thePanel.parentApplication as UIComponent;

// Set the button properties
minRestorBtn.label = _RESTORE_LABEL_;

* This method restores the panel to its original location
* and size on the screen.
private function restore(thePanel:Panel,minRestorBtn:Button):void
var parentApp:UIComponent = thePanel.parentApplication as UIComponent;
// Set the maximized flag to false
isMaximized = false;

// Set the button properties
minRestorBtn.label = _MAXIMIZE_LABEL_;

// Restore the original size and location information
thePanel.width = currWidth;
thePanel.height = currHeight;
thePanel.x = currLeft;
thePanel.y = currTop;

// Now relocate the panel to its original position
// in the child stack.


<mx:Resize id="resize" /> <!-- This helps in the resize effect -->
<mx:Move id="moveEffect" /> <!-- This helps in the move effect -->

<mx:Panel id="upperPanel" x="47.5" y="35" width="50%" height="20%"
moveEffect="{moveEffect}" backgroundAlpha="1.0"
borderAlpha="1.0" title="Top Panel">
<mx:Button id="upperPanelMaxBtn" label="{_MAXIMIZE_LABEL_}"
click="maxRestore(upperPanel, upperPanelMaxBtn)"/>
<!-- This panel has the capability to maximize and restore -->

<mx:Panel id="lowerPanel" x="47.5" y="267" width="50%" height="200"
moveEffect="{moveEffect}" backgroundAlpha="1.0"
borderAlpha="1.0" title="Bottom Panel">
<mx:TextInput x="104" y="35"/>
<mx:ControlBar width="100%" alpha="1.0">
<mx:Spacer width="100%" alpha="1.0"/>
<mx:Button id="lowerPanelMaxBtn" label="{_MAXIMIZE_LABEL_}"
click="maxRestore(lowerPanel, lowerPanelMaxBtn)"/>

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