I find the -compare feature difficult to use. One must refer to a backup set with -num or 'mt fsf', while the "target" directory is the current. This is cumbersome.

When running unattended backups, it is all but impossible to use -compare. As far as I can see, one would have to parse the log file to find the file number on tape. Why can't there be an option -verify, which automatically runs compare for each set? And, is it possible to have the -compare/-verify ignore files which are changed since the backup run, and not generate errors over such files?

And for straight -compares, why can't flexbackup "find" the correct directory and file number automatically? If I issue 'flexbackup -compare -set bob', couldn't flexbackup just find the latest version of the set bob on tape, and compare it to the data on disk?

If I have missed something, please excuse me, and point me in the right direction.

For all my bitching: I really like flexbackup, it's features, it's use of standard tools, and the way it balances strength and features vs. simplicity. Good work!

Med vennleg helsing / Best regards
Gaute Lund
IT consultant (GL184P-NORID, GL597-RIPE)
iDrift AS
Phone: (+47) 53 47 02 90
Direct: (+47) 53 47 02 93
Fax: (+47) 53 47 02 91
Mobile: (+47) 97 00 82 00

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