I'm trying to list the files in an archive home.0.afio-gz but get the error below.
Is the archive corrupt and beyond rescue or is it still possible to retrieve files from the archive?
Best Regards
flexbackup version 1.2.1 (http://flexbackup.sourceforge.net)
| Checking /bin/sh on this machine... unknown (probably Bourne Shell)
| Logging output to "flexbackup.list.log"
| Auto-set to type=afio compress=gzip
| Reading from on-disk file home.0.afio-gz
| dd ibs=10k obs=10k conv=noerror if="home.0.afio-gz" | afio -t -z -D \
|   /usr/local/bin/flexbackup -P gzip -Q -d -Q -q -Z -v   -b 10k -
afio: "-" [offset 4288270336m+6]: Fatal error:
afio: "-": Unrecognizable archive

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