
I try to backup NFS partition with flexbackup and I get the following error:

find: ./tmp: Stale NFS file handle
afio: 820m+220k+0 bytes written in 193 seconds. The operation was successful.

ERROR: non-zero exit from:
cd "/mnt/<host>/var" && (printf "//--/tmp/label.31501 flexbackup.volume_header_info\n" && find . -depth ! \ -fstype proc ! -fstype devpts ! -fstype devfs ! -fstype tmpfs ! -type s ! -regex ".*~"$ -print ) | afio -o\ -E /tmp/nocompress.31501 -z -1 m -P gzip -Q -4 -Z -M 2m -T 3k - | cat > "/dev/nst0"

The "Stale NFS file handle" error seems to occur when a file or
directory that was opened by an NFS client is removed, renamed, or
replaced. But I don't understand how I could get rid of this error (tmp dir is already excluded from backup, see below). Could someone help?


Here is my flexbackup configuration:
$type = 'afio';
$prune{'/'} = "tmp proc";
$traverse_fs = 'all';
# File extensions that should not be compressed (seperate with spaces)
$afio_nocompress_types = 'mp3 MP3 Z z gz gif zip ZIP lha jpeg jpg JPG taz tgz deb rpm bz2 lzo';

# True to show block numbers
$afio_echo_block = 'false';

# Files less than this size (kilobytes) won't be compressed
$afio_compress_threshold = '3';

# Maximum amount of memory (megabytes) to use for temporary storage of
# compression results. If a compressed file is bigger than this, compression
# will have to run twice on the file (see manpage).
$afio_compress_cache_size = '2';

Mathieu Peltier

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