Not sure how fussy Flex is about validXML but your fault and result attributes are in single quotes. Also the HTTPService tag looks unclosed.


From: jivankohinoor [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 4:18 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] datagrid does not display http data


I try to fill a DataGrid from live XML data over http, but the grid
desperately stays empty.
The code is :

<mx:HTTPService id="catalogContents" contentType="application/xml"
method="GET" protocol="http" resultFormat="xml"     
url="" href="http://localhost:8080/protocore/getCatalogContents">http://localhost:8080/protocore/getCatalogContents"
result='alert("Catalog OK","",mx.controls.Alert.OK)'>

<mx:DataGrid id="catalogGrid" height="100%" width="100%"

Returned XML is like :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<element Key="Key" Name="Name" Dir="Dir" lang="lang" nloc="nloc"
npar="npar" UNKNOWN1="UNKNOWN1" UNKNOWN2="UNKNOWN2" Status="Status"
Anom="Anom" label="label0" />
<element Key="BAT000000" Name="COA034" Dir="A1/PRG" lang="Cobol"
nloc="944" npar="649" UNKNOWN1="58" UNKNOWN2="" Status="CORRECT"
Anom="OK" label="label1" />
<element ...>

I know that the Server part is OK, as I am able to display raw XML
code in the following TextArea:
<mx:TextArea text="{catalogContents.result}"/>

I tried the same, with XML compiled statically, and it works :

<mx:Model id="catalogContentsModel"
ource="D:\\src\\Flex\\Phoenix-proto\\cataloContents.xml" />

<mx:DataGrid id="catalogGrid"

Help would be greatly needed, I tried many different combinations of
returned XML without success (like returning <mx:Array>/<mx:Object>
tags, specifying the object attributes as XML attributes or as XML
elements, nothing work)

Am I *really* an idiot as I seem to be the only one with this problem.

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