code - as a pragmatic (slothfull? :-) Flex programmer I am rather fond of using a bit more actionscript in my mxml, but then I understand where Aral is coming from - and in Flash I would never put code in my fla. I would be happy to recommend either framework to a client.
Not having seen Aral's recommendations, I can't comment specifically, but I'd also like to pick up the idea of
"no code in MXML" as a "best theory" rather than a "best practice".
Separation of content and code is the key driving principle, imho, as to why when we were building RIA with
Flash, that it was essential not to scatter ActionScript code around the actual Flash movie itself.  So ... we
would advocate that code was not scattered around the timeline, that there was a single layer in the timeline,
with a single frame, where a single file "" was included in the application, and the bare minimum of
initialisation code (perhaps creation of your controller) was placed on that first frame. 
Thereafter, we advocated using the Cairngorm framework, extracting all business logic in classes, and keeping
these classes in external ActionScript files.  Despite the limitations of the Flash IDE as an RIA development
environment, this allowed us to achieve best-practices of keeping our content (the FLA) as separate as possible
from the code, in turn promoting reuse, promoting maintainability, encouraging that code could be versioned
and kept under source control, etc.
Inevitably, some code might find it's way into a component in the Flash Symbol library; but if this ever were
the case, then it would be code that BELONGED on that component, and was typically responsible in some
way for the view logic associated with that component - so some degree of encapsulation was achieved. But
code in the FLA rather than in external ActionScript 2.0 was a bad code smell.
Let's now move to Flex.
Let me first state the obvious; I would not advocate placing business logic (or lots of it) within <mx:Script>
blocks in Flex, if it can be extracted into an external ActionScript 2.0 class.  I would *never* use the
Include functionality in Flex to pull in blocks ofscript, and where possible, I would always encourage that
external classes, imports, and object creation is used.
However, let's remind ourselves why we might want to not have code in our MXML -- not in theory, but
in practice.
Not mix content and code
This is the key one; if we have business logic in our MXML, we should be refactoring this into external
AS2.0 classes (and unit-testing it).    If you have screeds of business logic in a big <mx:Script> block,
then you should be pulling this into external classes - you are beginning to mix your content and
your code.
Maintainability and Scalability
If we have AS2.0 code in our MXML, does it make our code harder to maintain ?  Not necessarily -- if
the code is directly related to that MXML file, itmay be the case that encapsulation would encourage
the code to belong as a method on the MXML file.  An example ?  Perhaps we have a click handler,
that is going to respond to a button press in our MXML component; perhaps on pressing a button,
we want to set a status bar message, and then broadcast an event for the controller ... it makes
sense to have:
    public function billPaymentButtonClick() : Void
        ViewLocator.getInstance().getView( "statusView" ).setStatusMessage( "Paying Bill..." );
        EventBroadcaster.getInstance().broadcastEvent( EventList.BILL_PAYMENT_REQUEST );
and then in our same MXML file:
    <mx:Button id="payBillButton" label="Pay Bill" click="billPaymentButtonClick()" />
In this instance, I do not see what is to be gained by being purist, and extracting the
billPaymentButtonClick() method out of the MXML and into an external AS2.0 file, JUST to
be able to say it's an external file.  This is a convoluted example, that I don't want to pick
apart (there are nicer ways of doing it) but it serves a point I think.
Because MXML are text files, we can still keep these files under source control, and we
can merge them if more than one person works on them.  More importantly, for maintainability,
I would argue that it's easier for developers to maintain this source, where the methods
that are unique and specific to the MXML file, areheld within the MXML file - especially when
they are concerned with view logic, or with dispatching events so that they can be used
as discrete components without coupling them to anything else in the architecture. 
We're not risking the scalability, maintainability, performance, clarity or elegance of our
code by mixing MXML and ActionScript 2.0 here.
On clarity; often in the Flex Book, we would placemore code than we would be comfortable
with in a production project, in the body of the MXML file ... but we did warn about this in
the introduction to the book. Why ?  Because we found that when trying to explain a
concept, the clarity of having the code in the MXML file outweighed the "purist" benefit
of keeping the code in separate files.  Pragmatism won over theory.
On a similar note, data binding is an immensely powerful feature of Flex; and this will often
result in us binding to a var in our MXML, and then as our codebase matures, we may
replace the var with a public method on our MXML that we bind to.  Why should that method
live in an external ActionScript 2.0 file, what benefit does that bring us ?  I'd hate to
cripple the utility of data binding, by taking a purist approach to removing all occurence
of AS2.0 from MXML.  Data binding saves an incredible amount of overall development
time, effort, risk, and leads to an elegance and clarity of code (cheque's in the mail Matt).
I truly believe that this is a matter of individual style ... but when you're building Enterprise
Flex apps with hundreds and thousands of MXML and ActionScript 2.0 files in your code
base, I do not believe that a purist approach of not having a line of ActionScript 2.0 in your
MXML reaps any particular rewards -- rather a pragmatic, common-sense approach to
keeping ActionScript 2.0 to a sensible minimum in your MXML, extracting AS2.0 code
into classes (and unit-testing them) where possible, is the most pragmatic approach.
Do not mix content and code. 
Do not convolute the clarity of your application.
Think about encapsulation.
Think about maintainability of the code-base not just by yourself, but by other engineers on the project.
Don't do things that stop you keeping your source code under version control.
Those are the "forces" that make us think about keeping our content and code
separate; they are not forces to which the solution is "don't have AS2.0 in MXML".
I'd hate this to turn into a holy war of opinion ... rather I think it's a developer decision
that most developers who turn to Flex are more than capable of making for themselves.
But having *some* AS2.0 in your MXML is not necessarily a bad practice, and shouldn't be
demonised as such.  I'm not interested in maintaining a 2-way compatibility between Flash
and Flex, as I have no experience of use-cases where a project would bounce between the
2 technologies for its implementation. 
Hope this offers some food for thought.
Steven Webster
Technical Director
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