Vali Tomba wrote:

Declaration like this : var r:Number = new Number(250); do nothing that confuse a Java, C# programer....and let's face it many people that use Flex at this moment comes from areas like .NET/J2EE. Again, maybe its just my lack of AS2 knowledge... but I take as a joke when people consider AS2 an OO language...

Being OO and handling data types are two completely different beasts. Take Python for example, it's dynamically typed yet very OO. C, on the other hand, is statically typed and no OO at all (C++ is, but not C).

ActionScript 2 is an OO language, like it or not, even though it is dynamically typed as well. The compiler gives you the option of specifying types at compile-time to help in error checking, but the runtime still doesn't care about type information.

If everyone is coming to Flex from a J2EE / .NET perspective, they just need to get through the learning curve of ActionScript 2. Sure, it'd be great if it was an easy transition.. but if you want to use the tool, you'll need to spend the time to learn how to use it.

The alternative might be to write a Java -> AS2 compiler of some sort, so you can write you your Java code but have that be translated into AS2 so flex can use it. *shrug*


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