I think you want a ViewStack to be your body.  When you click the link you’ll simply set the selectedIndex of your ViewStack to be the appropriate body content.  I assume you’re talking Flex content here and not HTML since you can’t really embed HTML pages in Flex J




From: t_msreddy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 18, 2005 12:56 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] opening a link in canvas in the same page


I have question regarding navigation. The layout of the page I have
is, I have header on top, naviagtion bar on the left and body on the
left and footer at the bottom.

I want the navigation to be an Accordion andeach accordion tab has
links. When you click the link I want to seethe contents related to
that link (I mean page associated with that link) in the body on the
same page.(In the main mxml file I I have a Accordion on the left
and an empty Canvas o nthe right).

If anyone could tell me how to do, I will really worship him/her.


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