look at using the initialize attribute of the Application tag. You set thisto a 
function and when the app loads, this function is fired. 

BUT - in this case I would set the function on the grids creationComplete so 
that when the grid is created the function will fire and your data will load.

-----Original Message-----
From: dhiren9 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 3:52 PM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Populating DataGrid using Remote Object with


I've gone through examples where I can call a remote object by 
clicking on a button and populating a datagrid. The function call on 
the button click accepts arguments processed by the remote object 

How do i populate the datagrid on page launch, without having to 
click a 'Get Data' button AND pass arguments to the Java object? In 
other words, I dont want to click a button to pass an argument and 
populate the grid.

Doing it like this does not work:
<mx:DataGrid id="dg3" dataProvider="remoteTagInfo.getList
('ENG').result" width="100%">

Code below...


var my_list;

<mx:RemoteObject id="remoteTagInfo" 
fault="alert(event.fault.faultstring, 'Error')">
<mx:method name="getList"/>

<mx:Model id="dp" source="catalog.xml" />

<mx:Panel id="menuBarPanel" title="test" width="100%" height="100%">

<mx:Button label="Get Data" click="remoteTagInfo.getList('ENG')"/>
<mx:DataGrid id="dg3" dataProvider="{my_list}" width="100%">


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